1. Our contact details

Velo Sierra Nevada

UK – +44 7977 512229

Spain – +34 676 161 357

2. Travel Guidance 

The UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) publishes regularly updated travel information which you are strongly recommended to consult before booking and in good time before departure. You are responsible for making yourself aware of FCDO advice regarding the safety of the countries and areas in which you will be travelling and to make your decisions accordingly.

3. Insurance 

Adequate and valid travel insurance is compulsory for all our travellers.  It is a condition of accepting your booking that you agree you will have obtained adequate and valid travel insurance. We recommend you take out insurance as soon as your booking is confirmed. It is your responsibility to ensure that the insurance cover you purchase is suitable and adequate for your particular needs, ensuring it covers all the activities you plan to undertake and protects you against cancellation, medical and repatriation expenses and personal liability claims. If you wish to arrange additional activities while you are away, please check your cover before doing so. Please read your policy details carefully and take them with you on holiday. If you travel without adequate insurance cover, we will not be liable for any losses suffered by you in respect of which insurance cover would otherwise have been available.

4. Your Holiday Booking 

A binding contract will come into existence between you and us as soon as we have received all appropriate payments and we have verbally confirmed the booking with you over the telephone or via email.

This booking is made on the terms of these booking conditions. When you make a booking, you guarantee that you have the authority to accept and do accept on behalf of your party the terms of these booking conditions.

5. Paying for Your Holiday 

There are a few different ways you can book with us. You can call us, send us an email, or message us by WhatsApp with your enquiry, and we will be happy to answer any queries.

We require a 20% deposit to start booking the individual elements of your trip, which is payable over the phone by credit or debit card or by Bacs transfer (the full balance is due 60 days prior to your arrival date, so if you book less than 60 days in advance your deposit will be the full tour cost). Our UK telephone number is +44 7977 512229. Our Spanish telephone number is +34 676 161 357.

We confirm availability, book all your accommodation, and then send you final confirmation as soon as everything is confirmed (usually within 24 hours).

Please don’t book any flights or additional travel services until you get your final confirmation email.

6. If You Cancel Your Holiday

If you wish to cancel your holiday, we require an email notification. Our cancellation policy is as follows:
Subject to availability, we will always offer you the opportunity to change booking dates without any administration fees should you not be able to travel on your planned dates, as long as the change or cancellation does not occur within 14 days of your arrival date. New dates may have a different price compared to your original booking.
If you wish to change your holiday within 14 days of your arrival date, it will be treated as a cancellation.
If you wish to change the date of your holiday, the holiday must be rebooked within a 12 month period.
By making your booking, our agreement is a legal contract, and 10% of your total booking price will be non-refundable if you cancel more than 60 days before departure to cover administration and hotel cancellation charges. If you cancel your booking 14 days to 60 days before your arrival, 50% of your total booking price will be non-refundable. If you cancel a booking within 14 days of your arrival, you must pay for the booking in full.
As soon as we have confirmed your booking, we will send you your holiday invoice. The invoice will act as your copy of the booking confirmation. The balance must be received 60 days before your arrival date

7. If You Change Your Booking 

If, after our confirmation invoice has been issued, you wish to change your travel arrangements in any way, for example your chosen departure date or accommodation, we will do our utmost to make these changes, but it may not always be possible. Any request for changes to be made must be in writing from the person who made the booking or your travel agent. You will be asked to pay for any further costs we incur in making this alteration. You should be aware that these costs could increase the closer to the departure date that changes are made, and you should contact us as soon as possible.

You can transfer your booking to another person, who satisfies all the conditions that apply to this booking, by giving us notice in writing as soon as possible and no later than 7 days before departure. Both you and the new traveller are responsible for paying all costs we incur in making the transfer.

8. If we cancel your booking 

We reserve the right to cancel your booking. We will not cancel less than 12 weeks before your departure date, except for unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances, or failure by you to pay the final balance. Unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances mean a situation beyond our control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken.

If your holiday is cancelled, you can either have a refund of all monies paid or accept an alternative holiday of comparable standard from us if we offer one (we will refund any price difference if the alternative is of a lower value).

9. If we change your booking 

It is a term of your booking that we are able to make changes to any aspect of your booking. If the change is insignificant, we will ensure that you are notified about it.

If we are constrained by circumstances beyond our control to alter significantly any of the main characteristics of the travel services that make up your package you will have the rights set out below. 

We will contact you and you will have the choice of accepting the change or having a refund of all monies paid. You can also accept an alternative holiday, where we offer one (we will refund any price difference if the alternative is of a lower value). We will tell you the procedure for making your choice. Please read any notification of changes carefully and respond promptly as if you do not respond to us within the timescale given your booking may be cancelled. 

10. Unavoidable and Extraordinary Circumstances

In these Booking Conditions, where we refer to Unavoidable and Extraordinary Circumstances, it means a situation beyond the control of the party who invokes such a situation and the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken. 

This may cover for example warfare, other serious security problems such as terrorism, significant risks to human health such as the outbreak of a serious disease at the travel destination, or natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes or weather conditions which make it impossible to travel safely to the destination as agreed in the holiday contract. For the avoidance of doubt, unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances include the UK FCDO advising against all travel or all but essential travel to any country, region or destination. 

Except where otherwise expressly stated in these Booking Conditions, we regret we cannot accept liability or pay any compensation where the performance or prompt performance of our contractual obligations is prevented or affected by or you otherwise suffer any damage or loss (as more fully described in clause 11 below) as a result of Unavoidable and Extraordinary Circumstances.

11. Our Liability to You 

You must inform us without undue delay of any failure to perform or improper performance of the holiday services included in this package. If any of the holiday services included in your package are not performed in accordance with the contract, or are improperly performed, by us or the service suppliers, and this has affected the enjoyment of your travel arrangements, you may be entitled to an appropriate price reduction. We will not be liable where any failure to perform or improper performance of the holiday services is due to: you or another member of your party; or a third party unconnected with the provision of the holiday services and is unforeseeable or unavoidable; or unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances, which means a situation beyond our control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken.

We cannot offer compensation for inconvenience or loss of holiday time caused by flight delays, flight diversions, road/weather conditions or curtailment regardless of how caused. Similarly, it is not possible to obtain refunds for any unused accommodation or facilities or for losses, costs and expenses of other travel/accommodation arrangements outside of the holiday resulting from flight changes, delays or diversions, which should be claimed on your own insurance policy.

We will not accept responsibility for alternative travel arrangements you choose to make yourself and in no circumstances will we accept responsibility for loss of earnings or professional fees.

NB. This entire clause does not apply to any separate contracts that you may enter into for holiday extras such as airport parking.

12. Complaints

If you have a complaint about any of the services included in your holiday, you must inform any member of the VSN Team immediately or email info@sierranevada.com without undue delay who will endeavour to put things right. If it is not resolved locally, please follow this up as soon as possible after your return home, ideally within 28 days by writing to us giving your booking reference and all other relevant information. Please keep your letter concise and to the point. If you fail to follow the requirement to report your complaint whilst in resort, we will have been deprived of the opportunity to investigate and rectify it and this may affect your rights under this booking.

13. Additional assistance

If you’re in difficulty whilst on holiday and ask us to help we will provide appropriate assistance, in particular by providing information on health services, local authorities and consular assistance; and helping you to find alternative arrangements and any necessary phone calls/emails. You must pay any costs we incur, if the difficulty is your fault.

14. Passport, Visa and Immigration Requirements 

Your specific passport and visa requirements, and other immigration requirements are your responsibility and you should confirm these with the relevant Embassies and/or Consulates. We do not accept any responsibility if you cannot travel because you have not complied with any passport, visa or immigration requirements.

15. Excursions 

Excursions or other tours that you may choose to book or pay for whilst you are on holiday are not part of your holiday provided by us.

16. Law and jurisdiction 

This booking is governed by Spanish Law, and the jurisdiction of the Spanish Courts.

17. Prices and Website Accuracy 

Please note, the information and prices shown on our websites may have changed by the time you come to book your holiday. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the websites and prices, regrettably errors do occasionally occur. You must therefore ensure you check all details of your chosen holiday (including the price) with us at the time of booking.

18. Bicycles and Rental Equipment

We acknowledge that rental bicycles and equipment will experience wear and tear from normal use. In the event of a bicycle or piece of rental equipment being damaged or stolen through significant or intentional misuse or neglect, we reserve the right to charge for any necessary repairs or replacement. 

We do not accept any liability for any damage caused or injury sustained to the hirer or to third parties during the hire period.  

Upon receiving rental bicycles and equipment you may be asked to sign a rental bike and equipment waiver by our Bike Hire partner. 

19. Protective Headwear 

All guests partaking in cycle activities must wear protective headwear.